Various PhD positions available in the Formal Systems Analysis group, Eindhoven
At Eindhoven University of Technology, the Formal Systems Analysis group works on formally modelling and analysing software controlled systems. This group employs on the one hand mathematics, logics, and algorithms to robustly model and analyse such systems, and on the other hand has strong ties with the industry where all these methods are effectively applied.
This group now has a number of vacant PhD positions available. The research within these positions is about increasing the scale of systems that can effectively be verified, finding counter examples as the systems that can be handled are already so big that without counter examples it is impossible to identify what is wrong if the analysis tools find issues, and adding probabilities to the whole framework, especially in the form of probabilistic model checking.
Some of the positions are directly or indirectly funded by third parties. For Rijkswaterstaat the research is about completely and precisely modelling the software in water defense works, proving their correctness, and identifying a reliable failure probability of the software. Within a cooperation with the companies Verum and Cordis the question is how to improve the effectiveness of designing provably correct controllers for embedded systems.
If you want more information or appy, contact one or more of the following persons:
- Thomas Neele (
- dr. Matthias Volk (
- Jan Friso Groote (