ICT with Industry workshop 2025 - call for participation


Are you a PhD student, postdoc or young researcher working in Computer Science in the Netherlands? Then sign up before 22 November 2024. Read more about the cases here: https://www.nwo.nl/en/meetings/ict-with-industry-2025 or sign up immediately here: https://www.lorentzcenter.nl/ictwi2025 From 20-24 January, NWO and Lorentz Center are organizing ICT with Industry 2025. The workshop brings IT and Computer Science researchers together with professional organizations. During one week, you will be...

2nd place of student teams at VerifyThis 2024 for Pieter Bos and Alexander Stekelenburg (Twente)


The student team “VerCors {P1*P2}”, formed by Alexander Stekelenburg and Pieter Bos, received the second place in the student team category at the 2024 edition of VerifyThis, which was held last April as a part of ETAPS 2024 in Luxembourg. More info here. ...

NWO VENI Grants for Thomas Neele and Matthias Volk


The NWO VENI grant is a personal scientific grant as part of the NWO Talent Programme and is aimed at excellent researchers at the start of their career. This year, two VERSEN members from Eindhoven University of Technology are among the awarded researchers: Thomas Neele and Matthias Volk. Both awardees are part of the Formal System Analysis group at TU/e and their research aims to improve system reliability through mathematical rigorous techniques. Thomas Neele: Explainable formal methods with...

New assistant professor at the University of Groningen


Dr. Sushant Kumar Pandey has joined the RUG as an Assistant Professor working with the Software Engineering and Architecture (SEARCH) group led by Prof. Paris Avgeriou. His research focuses on AI applications in software engineering, software testing, autonomous systems, and software architecture. He completed his Ph.D. in AI in Software Testing (software defect prediction) and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. During thi...

Ubuntu Summit in The Hague on 25–27 October 2024


The yearly Ubuntu Summit this year will be hosted in The Hague. The Ubuntu Summit brings together some of the most exciting organisations and projects driving open source innovation. Talks at the event will cover everything from how DreamWorks Animation orchestrates massive workloads for feature films, to reaching for a better future with Rust, and even revolutionising train system toilets with embedded technologies. We’ll have booths from Framework, Fairphone, Microsoft, Intel, and more – incl...

STAF 2024 hosted by UTwente


On 8–11 July 2024, the University of Twente hosted the annual federation of conferences on Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF), formerly known as TOOLS. Besides the usual International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT) and the European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), this edition of STAF included the 27th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT), the 15th International Workshop on Graph Computation Models (GCM...

S2 Group of VU Amsterdam recognized with six awards at ECSA 2024


The S2 research group has been honored with several prestigious awards at the 18th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2024) held in Luxembourg. Below is a summary of the awards received by the group: Best Paper Award (Research Papers) for the paper Architectural Views: The State of Practice in Open-Source Software Projects Honorable Mention (Research Papers) for the paper An Analysis of MLOps Architectures: A Systematic Mapping Study Distinguished Open Artifact Award for ...

PhD defense of Jan Martens


Jan Martens is defending his PhD thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology on September 25 at 16:00 hours. The thesis entitled the complexity of determining bisimulation provides a.o. new parallel algorithms for (branching) bisimulation, provides lowerbounds to determine bisimulation both sequentially and in parallel, and shows that it is hard to find optimal distinguishing formulas that can be used to explain why certain states are not bisimilar. ...

PhD defense of Rick Erkens


On Monday September 30, 13:30, 2024 Rick Erkens defends his PhD thesis called Automaton-based Techniques for Optimized Term Rewriting at Eindhoven University of Technology. In his thesis Rick Erkens explains how a term rewriting system can be compiled into an automaton optimizing the number of subterm matches, speeding up rewriting of terms. ...

NWO Grants M2 Proposal on Evidence-Driven Black-Box Checking (EVI)


Professor of Software Science Frits Vaandrager has been awarded an open competition NWO-ENW M grant to support a 5-year research project which aims to develop innovative machine learning algorithms for testing complex software systems. The project, named Evidence-Driven Black-Box Checking (EVI), will be conducted in collaboration with dr. Petra van den Bos at the University of Twente. Mimic human problem-solving behaviour The rapid development of new and intricate software in the ever-growing ...