All VERSEN news
- 04-Dec-2024 - Eloise Zhang awarded with the 2nd KHMW Young Talent Thesis Prize 2024
- 04-Dec-2024 - Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Software Engineering: Best Practices and Insights
- 04-Dec-2024 - Alice & Eve - a runner-up for the Minerva Informatics Equality Award of Informatics Europe
- 04-Dec-2024 - Klervie Toczé: new postdoc researcher at VU Amsterdam
- 04-Dec-2024 - June Sallou and Siamak Farshidi are new members of the Information Technology group at Wageningen University
- 04-Dec-2024 - New ITEA Grant for the University of Groningen
- 04-Dec-2024 - Software Engineering Track at ICT.Open 2025
- 04-Dec-2024 - VERSEN awards at ICSOB 2024
- 04-Dec-2024 - Four distinguished reviewer awards for Dutch SE resarchers at ICSME 2024
- 04-Dec-2024 - Cum Laude PhD for Nathan Cassee
- 04-Dec-2024 - PhD Defence of Olav Bunte
- 04-Dec-2024 - Carolin Brandt started as Assistant Professor at TU Delft
- 04-Dec-2024 - Petra van den Bos received NWO M2 grant for EVI project
- 04-Dec-2024 - Best Paper Award at CONCUR'24
- 04-Dec-2024 - Test selection at Adyen: saving time and resources
- 16-Oct-2024 - ICT with Industry workshop 2025 - call for participation
- 19-Sep-2024 - 2nd place of student teams at VerifyThis 2024 for Pieter Bos and Alexander Stekelenburg (Twente)
- 19-Sep-2024 - NWO VENI Grants for Thomas Neele and Matthias Volk
- 19-Sep-2024 - New assistant professor at the University of Groningen
- 19-Sep-2024 - Ubuntu Summit in The Hague on 25–27 October 2024
- 19-Sep-2024 - STAF 2024 hosted by UTwente
- 19-Sep-2024 - S2 Group of VU Amsterdam recognized with six awards at ECSA 2024
- 19-Sep-2024 - PhD defense of Jan Martens
- 19-Sep-2024 - PhD defense of Rick Erkens
- 19-Sep-2024 - NWO Grants M2 Proposal on Evidence-Driven Black-Box Checking (EVI)
- 19-Sep-2024 - Sangeeth Kochanthara wins the IPA Dissertation Award for best IPA dissertation of 2023
- 19-Sep-2024 - Financial support from VERSEN: reminder
- 19-Sep-2024 - Muctadir, Cleophas, and van den Brand win Best Paper Award at Euromicro Conference SEAA 2024
- 19-Sep-2024 - Marielle Stoelinga receives ERC Proof-of-Concept grant
- 09-Aug-2024 - Call for Papers: 15th International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB 2024)
- 16-Jul-2024 - Job Opening at LEiden University: Assistant Professor in Automated Reasoning
- 04-Jun-2024 - Alexander Nolte joins the Social Software Engineering group at Eindhoven University of Technology
- 04-Jun-2024 - A Royal Distinction for Frits Vaandrager
- 04-Jun-2024 - The winner of MSR 2024 Distinguished Doctoral Research is Gunnar Kudrjavets
- 04-Jun-2024 - Hack4Her: Female-focused student hackathon at Vrije Universiteit in June
- 06-May-2024 - Workshop Generative AI in Computer Science Education
- 02-May-2024 - Call for papers: FCS workshop @ CSF’24
- 01-May-2024 - CWI Call for Research Semester Programs
- 07-Mar-2024 - VERSEN working groups
- 07-Mar-2024 - VERSEN executive board is looking for new members!
- 07-Mar-2024 - CARES - the group for reporting violations of the VERSEN code of conduct
- 07-Mar-2024 - Professional education program in Twente: Digital Design & Architecture
- 07-Mar-2024 - PLMW@PLDI 2024: Call for Scholarship Applications
- 07-Mar-2024 - Programming Languages in the Netherlands: Call for Talk Proposals
- 07-Mar-2024 - Ivano Malavolta wins the Dutch Prize ICT Research
- 07-Mar-2024 - Dutch Formal Methods Day
- 07-Mar-2024 - Three awards for Marielle Stoelinga
- 28-Feb-2024 - Join Us at ERMSEI:Cybersecurity 2024 - Empirical Research Methods PhD Spring School in Utrecht, May 13-17
- 24-Feb-2024 - Various PhD positions available in the Formal Systems Analysis group, Eindhoven
- 01-Feb-2024 - PhD position available at Leiden University on Energy Efficient GPU Computing
- 18-Jan-2024 - Have Your Say in Shaping Fair Workplace for Software Practitioners!
- 18-Jan-2024 - Dutch Formal Methods Day
- 15-Dec-2023 - NWO VIDI Grant for Arnd Hartmanns
- 15-Dec-2023 - Eindhoven Software Engineering Researchers Featured in I/O magazine
- 15-Dec-2023 - A new Software Ecosystems book with contributions by VERSEN resarchers
- 15-Dec-2023 - OC-M grant for Pallas: Program Analysis for LLVM-IR and All its Source languages
- 15-Dec-2023 - Most Influential Paper Award at International Conference of Software Language Engineering 2023
- 15-Dec-2023 - Millenium bugs item in NRC
- 15-Dec-2023 - Marieke Huisman wins the 2023 Athena Award
- 15-Dec-2023 - ICT with Industry workshop 2024 - call for participation
- 15-Dec-2023 - Save the date: ICT Open 2024 on April 10-11, 2024
- 15-Dec-2023 - Best Paper Award for Testing Railway Controllers
- 15-Dec-2023 - Deekshitha, Jansen, and Farshidi win Best Paper Award at the eScience conference
- 15-Dec-2023 - Jos Baeten elected as Honorary VERSEN member
- 15-Dec-2023 - NGF Project 6G Future Network Services
- 03-Nov-2023 - 31st Netherlands Functional Programming Day (FP Dag): Call for Participation
- 23-Oct-2023 - ICT with Industry workshop 2024 - call for participation
- 01-Sep-2023 - NWO VENI Grants for two VERSEN members
- 01-Sep-2023 - UU: Two Assistant Professors in Software Engineering for AI or Software Production
- 01-Sep-2023 - Book publication: Concise Guide to Software Verification
- 01-Sep-2023 - MSR 2023: Distinguished reviewer award for Groningen researcher
- 01-Sep-2023 - Distinguished paper award for Mohayeji Nasrabadi et al.
- 01-Sep-2023 - Justus Bogner: new Assistant Professor in Software Engineering at VU Amsterdam
- 01-Sep-2023 - Best Artefact Award for Petra van den Bos and Marielle Stoelinga at FORTE 2023
- 01-Sep-2023 - EAPLS Best Dissertation Award 2023: call for nominations
- 01-Sep-2023 - Fernando Castor will be starting at the University of Twente as Associate Professor
- 01-Sep-2023 - CAIN 2023: ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished paper award for Delft and Groningen researchers
- 01-Sep-2023 - BPM 2023 in Utrecht - September 11-15, 2023
- 01-Sep-2023 - Jacob Krüger (TU/e) has received a Distinguished Reviewer Award at SPLC 2023
- 01-Sep-2023 - AGRISoft-Dash: A Smart Dashboard for Precision Farming Software
- 01-Sep-2023 - Save the date: 4TU.NIRICT Community Day
- 04-Jul-2023 - Free registration for VERSEN members to the Bits&Chips event!
- 08-Jun-2023 - Jean-Claude Laprie Award 2023
- 08-Jun-2023 - PhD thesis Sangeeth Kochanthara
- 08-Jun-2023 - Cum Laude PhD defence of Lina Ochoa Venegas
- 08-Jun-2023 - Jean-Claude Laprie Award 2023
- 08-Jun-2023 - Jacob Krüger started as assistant professor at Eindhoven University of Technology
- 08-Jun-2023 - Jean-Claude Laprie Award 2023
- 08-Jun-2023 - Jean-Claude Laprie Award 2023
- 17-May-2023 - Symposium 'Help there are people in my data!: Towards a social turn in data work'
- 16-May-2023 - Inaugural lecture of Felienne Hermans
- 24-Apr-2023 - RustNL conference - May 10 in Amsterdam
- 04-Apr-2023 - VESPA NWO M1 grant on Verification of Parallel Algorithms
- 04-Apr-2023 - Ivano Malavolta (VU Amsterdam) receives the Distinguished Reviewer Award at ICSA 2023
- 04-Apr-2023 - Most Influential Paper Award for Ilias Gerostathopoulos (VU Amsterdam) at ICSA 2023
- 31-Mar-2023 - Two VERSEN board members join Advisory Council on IT Assessment
- 31-Mar-2023 - Best Paper Award for RUG researchers at ICSA 2023
- 30-Mar-2023 - Patricia Lago wins the IEEE TCSE New Directions Award
- 21-Mar-2023 - VERSEN logos
- 13-Mar-2023 - Prof Stoelinga leads new consortium on Smart Diagnostics
- 13-Mar-2023 - Milan Lopuhaä-Zwakenberg started as an assistant professor at University of Twente
- 11-Mar-2023 - Prof. Mariëlle Stoelinga appointed scientific director Life Long Learning
- 22-Feb-2023 - Paper by Serebrenik wins the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE 2023
- 03-Feb-2023 - IEEE Magazine Special Issue on Software Supply Chain
- 01-Feb-2023 - Patricia Lago receives honorary doctorate from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- 22-Dec-2022 - Gail Murphy to be Keynote Speaker at ICT.Open
- 22-Dec-2022 - Track Software Ecosystems and Engineering at ICT.Open
- 22-Dec-2022 - Amsterdam Security Workshop
- 15-Dec-2022 - PhD defense of Dave Stikkolorum at Leiden University
- 15-Dec-2022 - Modelling and verification of software building blocks in the infrastructure of Rijkswaterstaat
- 15-Dec-2022 - PhD positions on Requirements Engineering and Software Testing
- 15-Dec-2022 - Best Disruptive Paper award at ISSRE 2022 for University of Groningen SE researchers
- 15-Dec-2022 - ICSME Artefact Award for Advanced Code Diffing
- 15-Dec-2022 - ERC Starting Grant for Nils Jansen
- 15-Dec-2022 - VERSEN workgroup on Education
- 15-Dec-2022 - Dutch FP Day
- 15-Dec-2022 - 2 PhD vacancies with Michel Chaudron with ThermoFisher at TU Eindhoven
- 15-Dec-2022 - Developing Information Systems Accurately - A Wholistic Approach by Bert de Brock is now in press
- 15-Dec-2022 - Assistant Professor position at Eindhoven University of Technology
- 16-Sep-2022 - Ilias Gerostathopoulos and Patricia Lago receive a Horizon Europe grant for their ExtremeXP project
- 15-Sep-2022 - Anton Wijs receives Amazon Research Award and NWO ENW-M grant
- 15-Sep-2022 - PhD on Building an Open Source Community for Room Acoustics
- 15-Sep-2022 - Alexander Serebrenik's inaugural lecture on Social Software Engineering
- 14-Jun-2022 - Call for Participation: Mini-symposium on Reliability and Performance of Advanced Software Systems (July 6)
- 13-Jun-2022 - Slinger Jansen and Siamak Farshidi receive European grant for studying trust in software
- 11-May-2022 - BENEVOL 2022 Call for Papers
- 11-May-2022 - Serebrenik wins Distinguished Reviewer Award at ICSE 2022
- 10-May-2022 - Thesis Defense Michiel Overeem - Evolution of Low-code Platforms and Seminar on June 15th
- 10-May-2022 - Call for Papers: The 2nd International Workshop on Designing and Measuring Security in Software Architecture (DeMeSSA 2022)
- 08-Apr-2022 - Eelco Visser
- 17-Mar-2022 - Effective Software Testing, by Maurício Aniche, went to press
- 17-Mar-2022 - SANER 2022 IEEE TCSE Distinguished Paper Award for Eleni Constantinou and colleagues
- 15-Mar-2022 - New NWO Project “Sustainable Cloud
- 13-Mar-2022 - Join the Communication Plan Working Group
- 11-Mar-2022 - Vacancy for an Assistant Professor in Formal Methods at the Eindhoven University of Technology
- 10-Mar-2022 - Dr. Kate Labunets joins Software Ecosystems Security group at Utrecht University
- 09-Mar-2022 - SearchSECO: A Worldwide Source Code Index for Scientific Software FAIRness
- 09-Mar-2022 - Georgiana Caltais started as an Assistant Professor at the University of Twente
- 07-Mar-2022 - S2 group researchers receive JSS best paper award
- 01-Mar-2022 - NWO subsidy for open source project on room acoustics headed by TU/e professors Maarten Hornikx and Alexander Serebrenik
- 21-Feb-2022 - Vereniging voor Logica en Wijsbegeerte der Exacte Wetenschappen (VvL): Master's thesis Award
- 14-Dec-2021 - Lauren Olson started as PhD student in the S2 group at VU Amsterdam
- 09-Dec-2021 - New animation: Fundamental Computing: Mathematics and logic for software we can all rely on
- 09-Dec-2021 - Distinguished Artifact Award at SLE 2021
- 08-Dec-2021 - Assistant Professor in Business Information Analytics (Tenure Track) - Information Technology group, Wageningen University & Research
- 07-Dec-2021 - Open PhD position in SE at the University of Groningen
- 03-Dec-2021 - Call for Participation on MSc thesis collaborations between companies and universities
- 03-Dec-2021 - Eoin Martino Grua (VU Amsterdam) successful defended his PhD
- 30-Nov-2021 - New IEEE Software publication on COVID-19 apps by Ivano Malavolta, Marielle Stoelinga, and colleagues
- 19-Nov-2021 - NWO Open Science funding for project on FAIR Software
- 18-Nov-2021 - Slinger Jansen obtains HiTMaT Grant for AI4BigSoft
- 19-Oct-2021 - Petra van den Bos started as assistant professor in Twente
- 14-Oct-2021 - Best paper at RE'21 for collaboration UU-KMar on Crowd-based RE
- 13-Oct-2021 - Three PhD positions in Logic, Proof Theory and Coalgebra (Groningen)
- 13-Oct-2021 - PhD defence Weslley Silva Torres
- 13-Oct-2021 - Roberto Verdecchia (S2 group, VU Amsterdam) successful defence of Double-PhD
- 29-Sep-2021 - IEEE SCAM 2021 Distinguished Paper Award for Ivano Malavolta and colleagues
- 10-Sep-2021 - VISSOFT 2021 - Call for Participation
- 10-Sep-2021 - Joint IPA and VERSEN seminar on Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering
- 09-Sep-2021 - Kernel Tuner Tutorial at IEEE eScience 2021
- 09-Sep-2021 - PhD defence of Arjen Rouvoet @TUDelft
- 08-Sep-2021 - PHD Position: Diversity in Security Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment
- 07-Sep-2021 - Facebook Research Award 2021 awarded to Roberto Verdecchia (S2 group, VU Amsterdam)
- 06-Sep-2021 - EDT Community — Online seminar series on Foundations and Engineering of Digital Twins
- 06-Sep-2021 - Software Engineering post-Master education
- 06-Sep-2021 - ECOOP 2022: Call for Papers
- 04-Sep-2021 - Marielle Stoelinga appointed by Dutch Accreditation Council
- 07-Aug-2021 - An Assistant Professor position at Eindhoven
- 05-Aug-2021 - Serebrenik on abandonment in 'El Pais'
- 02-Jul-2021 - Thomas Neele will start at Eindhoven University of Technology
- 29-Jun-2021 - 1st Workshop on Automated Support to Improve code Readability
- 25-Jun-2021 - 10 assistant/associate professor vacancies at Utrecht University
- 25-Jun-2021 - Two PhD positions on Secure Software Development (Leiden), deadline: July 2, 2021
- 14-Jun-2021 - Assistant Professor position (tenure track) on Energy efficient computing available at VU Amsterdam
- 14-Jun-2021 - Ph.D. defence of Roberto Verdecchia - Architectural Technical Debt: Identification and Management
- 09-Jun-2021 - Call for papers: 1st International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories for Software Architecture (MSR4SA’21)
- 08-Jun-2021 - Ph.D. defence of Weslley Torres - Supporting Multi-Domain Model Management
- 08-Jun-2021 - Dr. Peter Lammich started in Twente as assistant professor
- 07-Jun-2021 - Call for papers: 21st IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)
- 04-Jun-2021 - Emotions and Perceived Productivity of Software Developers at the Workplace
- 03-Jun-2021 - Two PhD positions and Two Postdoc positions in Logic (Groningen), deadline: 15 June 2021
- 31-May-2021 - ICSA ranked A in the CORE Conference Ranking
- 28-Mar-2025 -
- 20-May-2021 - Serebrenik wins an Outstanding Reviewer award
- 11-May-2021 - IPA research school IPAndemic online events
- 28-Mar-2025 - VvL Logic at Large Lectures: And Logic Begat Computer Science
- 24-Apr-2021 - Petition: Europe needs strong software research
- 24-Apr-2021 - VvL Logic at Large Lectures: And Logic Begat Computer Science
- 24-Apr-2021 - Europe needs strong software!
- 09-Mar-2021 - Call for participation to new working group: a national platform for Master thesis projects in software research
- 08-Mar-2021 - NWO Perspective program DIGITAL TWIN
- 08-Mar-2021 - OOPSLA 2010 Most Influential Paper for Spoofax
- 08-Mar-2021 - Onward Most Notable Paper Award 2020 for Declarative Syntax Definition
- 08-Mar-2021 - Kousar Aslam joins the S2 group at VU
- 08-Mar-2021 - International Software Architecture PhD School (ISAPS 2021)
- 08-Mar-2021 - IEEE SW Special Issue on Collaborative Aspects of Open Data in Software Engineering
- 08-Mar-2021 - Ayushi Rastogi to join the Software Engineering group in Groningenayushi
- 08-Mar-2021 - A/G connect interviews Marielle Stoelinga about software problems at GGD
- 06-Mar-2021 - Announcing VERSEN working groups
- 05-Mar-2021 - VERSEN Slack Channel - Working Group members wanted!
- 04-Mar-2021 - VERSEN Code of Conduct
- 01-Mar-2021 - VERSEN Msc Awards 2020 Announced at SEN Symposium
- 28-Feb-2021 - VERSEN PhD Awards 2020 Announced at ICT.Open
- 22-Jan-2021 - Felienne Hermans receives Dutch Prize for ICT Research 2021
- 09-Jan-2021 - NWO Take-Off Grant for TrustSECO project in Cybersecurity
- 16-Dec-2020 - From the VERSEN board - VERSEN sponsors 2020
- 16-Dec-2020 - PhD defenses - dr. Siamak Farshidi successfully defended thesis about Multi-criteria Decision Making in Software Production
- 16-Dec-2020 - Next events - CfP: WAIN’21 - 1st Workshop on AI Engineering: Software Engineering for AI
- 16-Dec-2020 - From the VERSEN board - Strengthening the VERSEN community
- 16-Dec-2020 - From the VERSEN board
- 16-Dec-2020 - CfP: Special Issue IEEE Software on Collaborative Aspects of Open Data in Software Engineering
- 16-Dec-2020 - Awards - SSBSE 2020 Best Paper Award for TU Delft Researchers
- 16-Dec-2020 - Awards and prizes - 2nd prize KNVI Master thesis award for Lukas Miedema
- 28-Sep-2020 - Research of Tukaram Muske in AG Connect
- 28-Sep-2020 - Projects - New Erasmus Mundus Joint Master on Software Engineering for the Green Deal (SE4GreenDeal)
- 28-Sep-2020 - PhD defences - Tukaram Muske defended his thesis on postprocessing static analysis alarms
- 28-Sep-2020 - Next events - Software Cost Estimation Challenge
- 28-Sep-2020 - Next events - Farewell Symposium Jos Baeten
- 28-Sep-2020 - Next events - Call for Papers: Collective Knowledge in Software Engineering
- 28-Sep-2020 - New people & guests - Vadim Zaytsev is a new Associate Professor in Twente
- 28-Sep-2020 - New people & guests - New Professor in Eindhoven: Michel Chaudron
- 28-Sep-2020 - New people & guests - Alexander Serebrenik appointed a Full Professor Social Software Engineering
- 28-Sep-2020 - Awards - MOBILESoft 2020 Best Paper Award for VU researchers
- 28-Sep-2020 - From the VERSEN board
- 28-Sep-2020 - Awards - Distinguished paper award for study of code review bots
- 28-Sep-2020 - Awards - Best paper award at SEAA 2020 to RUG researchers
- 15-Jun-2020 - Studying the software quality of COVID-related mobile apps
- 15-Jun-2020 - Projects - Tom van Dijk's Marie Curie Individual Fellowship started in April 2020
- 15-Jun-2020 - Projects - Stoelinga's ERC funded project CAESAR on integrating safety & cybersecurity has started
- 15-Jun-2020 - Job vacancy: Research Fellow Analysis and Transformation of Legacy Software at ESI, Eindhoven
- 15-Jun-2020 - I/O Magazine now fully in English
- 15-Jun-2020 - Article about the Corona app
- 04-Jun-2020 - VERSEN PhD Awards Online Ceremony
- 03-May-2020 - VERSEN Supports the FAIR Software Initiative
- 03-May-2020 - Doaitse Swierstra Passed Away
- 22-Apr-2020 - VERSEN board members interviewed for an article on AG Connect w.r.t. COVID-19 app
- 20-Apr-2020 - VERSEN letter to minister De Jonge w.r.t. COVID-19 app tender
- 23-Mar-2020 - Projects - Outreach project Beauty and Joy of Computing in Dutch schools
- 23-Mar-2020 - PhD defences - Session-Based Concurrency: Between Operational and Declarative Views
- 23-Mar-2020 - News - Interview with the VERSEN board in the I/O magazine
- 23-Mar-2020 - News - Free lecture notes on software testing by TU Delft
- 23-Mar-2020 - News - First VERSEN honorary fellows
- 23-Mar-2020 - News - Digitalize for the Environment!: A guide for practitioners from nine universities worldwide
- 23-Mar-2020 - New people & guests - Andrea Capiluppi new Associate Professor at the University of Groningen
- 22-Mar-2020 - VERSEN Manifesto
- 16-Mar-2020 - VERSEN PhD Awards 2019
- 16-Mar-2020 - New Design web site
- 17-Feb-2020 - Awards - VERSEN Msc Thesis Awards 2019
- 10-Jan-2020 - Utrecht University Looking for an Assistant Professor Software Engineering
- 10-Jan-2020 - New people - Tanjina Islam joins the VU as Junior teacher
- 10-Jan-2020 - New people - Michel Albonico joins the VU as postdoc researcher on Robotics Software
- 10-Jan-2020 - Announcement VERSEN PhD Awards
- 10-Jan-2020 - Announcement VERSEN Msc Thesis Awards
- 18-Dec-2019 - From previous events - New insights from reconstructing the first ALGOL 60 system
- 16-Dec-2019 - Projects - Patricia Lago, Anna Bon, and Wendelien Tuyp received a grant from the Amsterdam Sustainability Institute (ASI) on food security in developing countries
- 16-Dec-2019 - Projects - Marielle Stoelinga receives ERC Consolidator Grant
- 16-Dec-2019 - Projects - Ivano Malavolta receives NWO Open Competition Domain Science XS individual grant
- 16-Dec-2019 - Projects - Ivano Malavolta and Patricia Lago receive a Horizon 2020 grant for their uDEVOPS project
- 16-Dec-2019 - PhD defences - PhD thesis Wytse Oortwijn
- 16-Dec-2019 - PhD defences - A unit-aware matrix language and its application in control and auditing
- 16-Dec-2019 - Awards and prizes - Best paper award for Wytse Oortwijn and Marieke Huisman at iFM 2019
- 16-Dec-2019 - Awards and prizes - 2 Master thesis prizes for Sophie Lathouwers
- 20-Nov-2019 - Call for Participation - Software Reliability pre-defence workshop: December 12, Enschede
- 17-Oct-2019 - I/O magazine article on the Staf 2019 Industry Day
- 23-Sep-2019 - Projects - Veni grant on Composable and Safe-by-Construction Programming Language Definitions for Casper Bach Poulsen
- 23-Sep-2019 - Projects - Software Engineering for Machine Learning Applications
- 23-Sep-2019 - PhD defences - PhD defence of Gabriël Konat @TUDelft
- 23-Sep-2019 - Next events - 6th Dutch national symposium on software engineering (SEN Symposium)
- 23-Sep-2019 - Next events - International Workshop on Software Measurement (Haarlem, October 7-9)
- 23-Sep-2019 - Next events - ICT with Industry 2020 - call for Participation
- 23-Sep-2019 - Next events - ICT.Open 2020
- 23-Sep-2019 - Next events - Digital Architecture Design Day 2019
- 23-Sep-2019 - Next events - Call for Participation FACS 2019 at CWI, Amsterdam
- 23-Sep-2019 - Next events - BENEVOL 2019 in Brussels
- 23-Sep-2019 - News - Bad Month for Large Software Systems
- 23-Sep-2019 - New people & guests - 4 Tenure Track Positions - Information Technology Group at Wageningen University
- 23-Sep-2019 - Awards and prizes - Moritz Beller wins IPA Best Dissertation Award 2018
- 23-Sep-2019 - Awards and prizes - Best paper and presentation award at ESEC/FSE'19 Doctoral Symposium for Jasper Denkers
- 23-Sep-2019 - Awards and prizes - 2 VERSEN Thesis awards: PhD and Master
- 24-Jul-2019 - Anton Wijs in I/O Magazine
- 17-Jun-2019 - Projects - Self-learning machines hunt for explosions in the universe
- 17-Jun-2019 - Projects - Vici grant TestShift for Andy Zaidman
- 17-Jun-2019 - Projects - NWO Open Technology Programme grant for Marieke Huisman and Anton Wijs
- 17-Jun-2019 - Payment problems at large supermarket
- 17-Jun-2019 - From the VERSEN board - June 2019
- 17-Jun-2019 - Foutieve visa door software storing
- 17-Jun-2019 - Next events - FACS 2019 at CWI, Amsterdam
- 17-Jun-2019 - Awards - ICSE 2019 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper to Roberto Verdecchia
- 17-Jun-2019 - Awards - ICSE 2019 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper to Alexander Serebrenik
- 02-May-2019 - VERSEN Msc Thesis Awards 2018 at SEN Symposium
- 22-Mar-2019 - VU/UvA PhD defense of Fahimeh Alizadeh Moghaddam
- 22-Mar-2019 - VERSEN PhD Awards 2018
- 22-Mar-2019 - VERSEN Best Software Engineering Technology Paper
- 22-Mar-2019 - Vahid Garousi ranked as 8th world-wide among the most active consolidated SE researchers
- 22-Mar-2019 - Symposium Declarative Programming at TU Delft
- 22-Mar-2019 - SET track @ICT Open 2019
- 22-Mar-2019 - S2Group@VU research awarded with 2 prizes at HICSS 2019
- 22-Mar-2019 - New people - Tom van Dijk started in Twente as assistant professor
- 22-Mar-2019 - Papers spotlight - Interesting paper presented at ASE 2018 about scalable incremental building with dynamic task dependencies
- 22-Mar-2019 - ICT with Industry 2020 - the call for case studies is open!
- 22-Mar-2019 - From the VERSEN board - March 2019
- 22-Mar-2019 - Awards - Distinguished paper award at SANER 2019 for research on confusion in code reviews
- 22-Mar-2019 - Delegation from the University of Twente visits University of Groningen
- 22-Mar-2019 - Awards - S2Group@VU research awarded with 2 prizes at HICSS 2019
- 18-Mar-2019 - Jan Friso Groote discusses software improvement at BNR
- 11-Jan-2019 - Deadline extension for technical papers of BENEVOL 2019
- 19-Nov-2018 - Marko van Eekelen makes software for tunnel building more reliable
- 19-Nov-2018 - Slinger Jansen talks about Blockchain for Student Financing
- 18-Nov-2018 - Jan Friso Groote and Marieke Huisman in De Volkskrant (Dutch)
- 25-Jun-2018 - Jan Friso Groote over de ICT Problematiek bij de Overheid
- 28-Jun-2017 - VERSEN @LAC 2017 (Dutch Software Architecture Conference
- 11-Aug-2016 - VERSEN Organizes SEN Symposium