IPA research school IPAndemic online events
The Dutch research school IPA, covering research in algorithmics & complexity, formal methods, and software engineering, and focusing on education and networking for its PhD candidates and scientific staff, has gone online.
IPA now offers an online event every 3–4 weeks, alternating between course days (usually 10:00–16:00 with ample breaks) and afternoons with talks and networking (usually 13:00 until 17:30 including bring your own drink socializing).
Theme-wise, both event types rotate over the three IPA blood groups (Algorithmics & Complexity; Formal Methods; Software Engineering).
Especially in this online setting PhD candidates from outside IPA, soon-to-join-IPA MSc students, as well as scientific staff members of IPA research groups as well as other Dutch researchers interested are also very welcome to sign up and participate.
See https://ipa.win.tue.nl for upcoming event information and registration, as well as information on how to become a member of IPA.