IEEE SW Special Issue on Collaborative Aspects of Open Data in Software Engineering


High-quality data is becoming increasingly important for software engineers in the design and implementation of today’s software, for example, as an input to machine-learning algorithms and visualization- and analytics-based features. Open data–data shared under a license that gives users the right to study, process, and distribute the data to anyone and for any purpose–offers a mechanism for addressing this need. Data may be crowdsourced, shared by government agencies, or shared between commercial entities.

By sharing the data openly and collaborating on its development, enrichment, and maintenance, organizations can both raise the quality of the data and accelerate their product innovation, while also lowering the related maintenance costs. The sharing of open data can also help to catalyze new entrepreneurial efforts, increase transparency and accountability, and transform incumbents as well as public organizations through improved decisions and services.

With this theme issue of IEEE Software, we invite papers with a focus on the collaborative aspects of open data in software engineering and how these aspects can help or hinder practitioners within both private and public organizations to exploit the potential benefits. We ask for original articles that provide new ideas, methods, and insightful experiences that can guide and support software engineers in the collaboration and co-development of open data. We invite in-depth case studies, experience reports, and analytical contributions, aiming to shed light in this multifaceted topic, covering any collaborative aspects of open data in software engineering.

The deadline for submissions is May 7th. For more information: