From the VERSEN board - June 2019
The VERSEN board has grown: Felienne Hermans (Leiden), Marten van Sinderen (Twente), Joost-Pieter Katoen (Twente/Aachen) and Alexander Serebrenik (Eindhoven) have joined the board. Moreover, Alexander Serebrenik has kindly agreed to take up the role of secretary for the Versen board. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jurgen Vinju for all the work he did as a secretary for VERSEN.
The board has continued working on the manifesto about Software Research. We now have a complete draft, and are currently working with a text editor to further polish the text. After summer, we will use this manifesto to inform policy makers about the importance of software research.
In addition, we have also continued to think about a VERSEN communication strategy. One of the things that we plan to do is to further improve the VERSEN website. We are also discussing how to get a wider audience for news related to software research. Please contact us if you have any suggestions about how to improve VERSEN-related communication.
Finally, the organizers for next year's SEN symposium are known. They are Wouter Swierstra (Utrecht), Yanja Dajsuren (Eindhoven) and Jorge A. Perez (Groningen). They have started to work on the program. So far, the following speakers are confirmed: Wil van der Aalst (Aachen), Vasilios Andrikopoulos (RUG), Alexandra Silva (London), and Tanja Vos (OU). The date for the SEN symposium is January 31 (in combination with an IPA course on software engineering). More information will follow.
On behalf of the VERSEN board members,
Marieke Huisman (chair)