Delegation from the University of Twente visits University of Groningen
Following through with the initiative of the Board to strengthen the ties in the software engineering community in the country through bilateral meetings, a delegation of VERSEN members from the University of Twente visited on the 18th of March their colleagues at the University of Groningen. Marieke Huisman, Arend Rensink, Sebastiaan Joosten, and Luís Ferreira Pires spent the day discussing in a informal setting with Paris Avgeriou, Vasilios Andrikopoulos, and Jorge Perez the research interests and short- and long-term research challenges on both sides. War stories and lessons learned by the struggles of the respective educational programs were also exchanged in the process.
Despite the very different approaches on software engineering research discussed, both groups found the experience very useful in terms of gaining visibility and learning from each other. The decision not to use any slides definitely helped in keeping the meeting lively, and the round-table format ensured sufficient space for everyone to contribute. Both parties plan to arrange for further such visits in the immediate future, targeting groups specializing in areas of software engineering as distant as possible from their own.