Announcing VERSEN working groups
To coordinate multiple projects VERSEN members are involved in, we decided to organise ourselves in Working Groups. Some of them are temporary and some of them are permanent. They each have a specific goal and a manageable number of members that collaborate towards this goal. At the moment of writing we have the following groups but few more are being discussed. You can always find the up-to-date list of the VERSEN working groups on https://www.versen.nl/contents/works
- Web manages, implements and maintains the VERSEN website, the member administration and mailing lists. Lead: Mauricio Aniche.
- Symposium comprises the people that organize the yearly SEN symposium. Its members are different every year. Lead: to be announced.
- Publicity has the goal to create and edit content for the newsletter and the website. Lead: Ivano Malavolta.
- European Manifesto find synergy among different other manifesto initiatives in Europe. Lead: Paris Avgeriou.
- Slack boosts the participation of community members in Slack by adding content, triggering discussions, and scouting new members to be invited. Lead: Fabiano Dalpiaz.
If you would like to participate in an existing Working Group, please contact its Lead. If you are interested in starting a new Working Group (any member can), please contact the VERSEN secretary - secretary@versen.nl. Interested in learning more about the working groups? Please check https://www.versen.nl/assets/pdf/working-groups.pdf
Participating in one of our working groups also implies subscribing to the VERSEN Code of Conduct based on the “Contributor Covenant”, version 1.1.0.